Key Terms

The following are key terms used in the field of Educational and Human Performance Technology:

Augmented reality and enhanced visualization: Augmented reality (AR) is an evolution of the concept of virtual reality. It is a hybrid environment, which is a combination of a physical environment with virtual elements added by computer input.

Communities of practice: Much of social computing revolves around the formation of communities of practice, which are groups with a common interest.

Digital storytelling: Storytelling is one of the oldest teaching methods. By using digital video cameras and software such as iMovie, almost anyone can extend a story’s reach to a much wider audience.

Extended learning: Also known as hybrid or blended learning, extended learning mixes instructional modalities to provide an ideal learning solution, using e-learning and classroom training where each is most appropriate.

Intelligent searching: Google and other search engines are already the most used learning tools around. Many people use them daily to do research and to find all kinds of information.

Mashups: (Lightweight, tactical integration of multi-sourced applications.) “A mashup is a website or web application that seamlessly combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience” (Wikipedia, 2006a, para. 1). Mashups take advantage of public interfaces or application programming interfaces (APIs) to gather content together in one place.

Mobile learning: Also called m-learning, this represents an evolution of e-learning to the almost ubiquitous mobile environment for laptop computers, cell phones, PDAs, iPods, and RFID (radio frequency identification) tags. Technologies like GPS and Bluetooth will also enable the adoption of m-learning

Online meetings: Synchronous meetings of online classes can be facilitated by the use of web conferencing/virtual classroom tools such as WebEx, Wimba, Elluminate, Skype, Microsoft Live Meeting, Adobe Breeze, Centra, and Interwise

Personal broadcasting: Personal broadcasting tools include: blogs (web logs), moblogs (mobile blogs), vlogs (video blogs), podcasts, vodcasts (video podcasts), and RSS feeds with uploaded images from cell phones.

Peer-to-peer file sharing: In a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, files are shared directly between computers without going through a server. P2P applications are usually web-based and use peer-to-peer file sharing. Some examples include online meeting (web conferencing), instant messaging, Skype, Groove, Festoon, and BitTorrent.

Social computing: Social computing is the essence of Web 2.0. It is the use of technologies such as wikis, blogs, and podcasting by individuals and groups to create content, instead of simply being content recipients. Web 1.0 was about downloading; Web 2.0 is about uploading.

Web 2.0:  is defined not only by technologies such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, vodcasts, RSS feeds, and Google Maps, but also by the social networking that it enables.

Webcams and video from cell phones: Digital cameras, video cameras, webcams, and video from cell phones have become almost ubiquitous as ways to capture personal history.

Wikis: Wikis are a type of website that allows visitors to easily add, remove, and otherwise edit the content. This ease of interaction makes wikis an effective tool for collaborative authoring.




BCcampus and Commonwealth of Learning, 2008

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